


6 Comentarios
10 Evaluaciones







Oct. 20, 2022

Tomé inglés básico en mi primer semestre de prepa (2021). Es la directora del departamento de Inglés. Un amor!! De verdad que es de las mejores que me han dado clases. La clase súper entretenida. No te aburres y aprendes muchísimo. Súper pro-estudiante. La clase? si atiendes y participas, la pases fácil. En algunas clases daba ejercicios de práctica y al final nos ponía a todos a participar. Si te tocó o te matriculaste con ella, no tengas miedo que muy pocas malas, por no decir ninguna, encontrarás en su clase.


Sept. 25, 2020

La profesora es un exito en las clases de maestria, nunca habia tenido una clase donde aprendo todos los dias que la tomo!


Nov. 18, 2019

She seems to be on a mushroom trip while giving clases. Out of all the clases I ever have taken in my life she is by far the worst. It has left a truly bad taste in my mouth.


Jan. 29, 2018

The grammar class I took with her was super shitty and I didn't learn anything other than how to go to a classroom to waste an hour of my time. The class is easy and all you have to do is be there when she gives out dumb quizzes and group related activities. Easy A, but if you want to learn then find someone else.

Dalwin Green

Jan. 26, 2018

Tremenda profesora ! Es un amor, explica super bien y aprendes mucho ! Da quizes bobos. La recomiendo.


Dec. 19, 2016

Prof Rosa Román is the best professor I have ever had the privilege of having as an English instructor. Of Rosa’s many sterling qualities, which include her kindness, brilliance, and commitment to excellence in teaching, her work ethics is the quality I find most impressive. Rosa works harder than anyone I know, and she does so with a smile on her face; she regularly works for more than 12 hours a day. She is very unassuming, decent, motivational, and pro-student. It was an honor taking class with this distinguished professor of English. She is a gift to UPRM.

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