


9 Comentarios
16 Evaluaciones






Serious Rater Yo

Nov. 25, 2023

-Context- I took Mate3005 (Precal-5) at during first semester 2022 with him at 6:30pm because I couldn't make my schedule. I wouldn't full recommend this professor to anyone 3/5 stars. When I took the class, he didn't give any work out, just a study sheet worth points at the end of the semester. -Important- Read the Class textbook it will explain what is happening better than the class. The teacher doesn't take attendance so you may just show up for the exams if you want. -Partial Exams and Final Test- His test where a 4/5 on difficulty many curves were given and often the highest score was a 70%. The test consists of true or false section, multiple choice and opened ended questions. If you have accommodations this teacher will try to make all accommodations happen. -Opinion- The class at night isn't a good idea, the professor is very quiet kind of person and would often be reading the presentations to you. I tried to listen as much as possible and am usually okay w… leer más

-Context- I took Mate3005 (Precal-5) at during first semester 2022 with him at 6:30pm because I couldn't make my schedule. I wouldn't full recommend this professor to anyone 3/5 stars. When I took the class, he didn't give any work out, just a study sheet worth points at the end of the semester. -Important- Read the Class textbook it will explain what is happening better than the class. The teacher doesn't take attendance so you may just show up for the exams if you want. -Partial Exams and Final Test- His test where a 4/5 on difficulty many curves were given and often the highest score was a 70%. The test consists of true or false section, multiple choice and opened ended questions. If you have accommodations this teacher will try to make all accommodations happen. -Opinion- The class at night isn't a good idea, the professor is very quiet kind of person and would often be reading the presentations to you. I tried to listen as much as possible and am usually okay with math, but it was hard to focus on anything. If you got lost at any point you are free to ask questions, often times however the professor is lost himself this happened quite a lot, so invest in tutoring. I went to almost every class he gave and took notes on everything, but that won't teach you much you will need to sink extra hours into the books and YouTube videos to understand. I STRONGLY SUGGEST YOU CHANGE COURSE TAKE BASIC PRECAL 1 AND 2. THE MATTERIAL GOES BY SLOWER THE STRESS IS LESS THE EXAMS ARE EASIER YOU SAVE MORE TIME TAKING IT SAFE THAN FAILLING PRECAL5. leer menos

2 Pai

Nov. 24, 2022

Cogi el compendio de precalculo (5 creditos) y me di de baja, no por culpa del profesor si no por la dificultad de la clase, sin embargo el profesor no ayuda mucho en que esta clase sea mas facil, si no mas complicada ya que no manda material muy organizado ni explica bien para ser una clase tan dificil, por lo que la mejor opcion es aprender a estudiar por tu cuenta del prontuario y libro, y dedicarle tu vida a esta clase (si es compendio) para pasarla.


June 3, 2022



May 21, 2022

En verdad que tiene una buena personalidad y la clase es bastante buena. Pero carajo no me claves tan duro en los examenes. Voy estudiando una semana para un examen pensando que domino el material y me hace un clase de reality check que me deja en una crisis existencial por 3 dias. Explica muy bien comparando con los otros instructores de preca en el RUM y corrigiendo da break. Eso si, tambien es medio irresponsabe ya que subia las presentaciones tarde y daba la nota del examen una semana despues.


May 16, 2022

Maaaano enverdad es bien chulito y nice pero NO SABE EXPLICAR TRES BICHOS!!!! El cb va volando por ahi pa abajo haciendo ejercicios y si le preguntas te explica pero vas a terminar mil veces mas confundido. Es bastante facil copiarte en los examenes presenciales pero PUÑETA QUE MAL EXPLICA. Si dominas un tema confia que el te lo va a hacer un culo mental y no vas a dominar na.


May 5, 2021

Bueno, voy a resaltar que su personalidad es super chula. Su voz me encanta es como si estuvieses en un podcast pa' relajarte, pero mano cuidado con eso porque te mamonea y te pierdes en la clase bien cb. Contesta los email volando y hace los ajustes necesarios para ayudarte (aunque como quiera estoy jodio) pero lo importante es que trata. Hay que estar bien pendiente en la clase porque sabe cc y a veces sale con un chorro de cosas que te confunden cuando env es super sencillo. Nada, es un amor pero es un poquito tedioso cuando explica, el resto 20/10.


May 5, 2021

si eres bueno en las matemáticas, te va a ir cabrón. si no eres bueno en las matemáticas, pues quetepuedodecir. aveces va bastante rápido y uno se pierde, pero se puede sobrevivir si le dedicas el debido tiempo. él es súper pro-estudiante y empático porque también es estudiante so sabe la que hay. brega al 100 y es una buena persona. puedo decir que es recomendable.


April 30, 2021



April 21, 2021

Es bueno, repite mucho "verdad", corrige mas o menos. En fin no es malo.

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