


4 Comentarios
6 Evaluaciones







Jan. 23, 2020

Mairim es la mejor de verdad. Muchísimo conocimiento, empatía, pro estudiante y un amor definitivamente. Es la mejor instructora que tiene el departamento. Nunca llegó de mal humor y a tratar mal a nadie. Si te toco con ella dale gracias a Dios porque está mujer es una Diosa. Dios te bendiga donde quiera que estés Mairim. Aprendí más contigo de química que con Veronica Sánchez que es una de las más más en el departamento. Espero que te hagas profesora porque como tú no he conocido a nadie que enseñe química. Serías una bendición para muchos estudiantes. La mejorrrrrrr.


Feb. 8, 2018

Ella es la mejor, si te toca con ella ganaste la lotería! Además de que está bien rica es una instructora que se identifica con los estudiantes y los entiende. Aprovecha este semestre para que saques una A facil!


May 17, 2016

Si vez a esta instructora en tu matricula te salvaste! Simplemente es la mejor. Explica super bien y te ayuda en todo lo que pueda. SIEMPRE esta en sus horas de oficina y responde el email a las millas. La mejor instructora que me pudo haber tocado. Debería dar el lab de Orgánica.


May 15, 2016

Disappointed in this course. After learning to make aspirin in the lab, I decided to do a little bit of my own synthesis at home. I began with some basic pseudoephedrine—you can get this at your local Napo Velez—and cooked up what looked like aspirin crystals. And so I waited until finals week to try my homemade acetylsalicylic acid. It was in powder form, so I heated it up on a spoon and injected it intravenously. HOLY-FUCKING-SHIT! My legs buckled and I felt all of my body's energy surge to my head. What a rush! When I got to the testing center, I was tempted to bite a fellow classmate's arm as it had magically turned into a chicken drumstick. Aside from sweating profusely, the view from the third floor of Quimica was beautiful. I decided to climb up on the balcony and test my I jumped. Needless to say, I am still alive. However, my lower body, which absorbed the majority of the impact, is slightly I don't have polio! Stop asking me...anyways, I am une… leer más

Disappointed in this course. After learning to make aspirin in the lab, I decided to do a little bit of my own synthesis at home. I began with some basic pseudoephedrine—you can get this at your local Napo Velez—and cooked up what looked like aspirin crystals. And so I waited until finals week to try my homemade acetylsalicylic acid. It was in powder form, so I heated it up on a spoon and injected it intravenously. HOLY-FUCKING-SHIT! My legs buckled and I felt all of my body's energy surge to my head. What a rush! When I got to the testing center, I was tempted to bite a fellow classmate's arm as it had magically turned into a chicken drumstick. Aside from sweating profusely, the view from the third floor of Quimica was beautiful. I decided to climb up on the balcony and test my I jumped. Needless to say, I am still alive. However, my lower body, which absorbed the majority of the impact, is slightly I don't have polio! Stop asking me...anyways, I am unemployed and have to shit through a tube. Oh yeah, Mairim is a good lab instructor. I am sure you will learn a lot from this course. leer menos

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