


14 Comentarios
20 Evaluaciones






Edgar The Cock

Dec. 13, 2024

El pan sobao es un pan típico de Puerto Rico, conocido por su textura suave, miga esponjosa y sabor ligeramente dulce. Su nombre proviene del proceso de amasado ("sobado") que le da su consistencia característica. Este pan se elabora con ingredientes básicos como harina, agua, azúcar, grasa (generalmente manteca o mantequilla) y levadura, lo que lo hace ideal para acompañar comidas o disfrutar con mantequilla, queso o café. Se diferencia del pan de agua por su contenido más alto de grasa, lo que le otorga una textura más densa y un sabor más rico. Es muy popular en la gastronomía puertorriqueña y se puede encontrar en casi todas las panaderías de la isla.


Dec. 12, 2024

este cb se estaba riendo de los estudiantes en necesidad de ayuda durante el final. hay un lugar especial en el infierno para juan eduardo vargas

Nig Nog Nigg-

Dec. 12, 2024

I want this nigga dead

Edgar The Cock

Sept. 28, 2024

Rizz Monster


Sept. 10, 2024

Rizz Monster

The Milker

Sept. 10, 2024

The bag felt lighter than I remembered. But it had been a long time since I'd eaten the sandwich. The first time I tried the sandwich, it was stacked. The chicken was thick, the bun was thick, and even the pickles looked like they'd been plucked from an ad. At first glance, the new sandwich looked different. The bun was lighter and smaller than I remembered, and it all just looked smaller.The old sandwich had dappled waves of batter on a piece of chicken thicker than my wrist is wide. The bun was perky and smooth, while thick slices of pickle peeked out from under the chicken. But the new one looked more like your typical fast-food chicken sandwich: beige, beige, and a hint of something else. The first time I tried the sandwich, I was impressed by the perfect balance of its plentiful ingredients. And don't get me wrong, the new sandwich was far from bad. The chicken was as flaky and juicy as ever. The original bun was a darker shade of brown, and it held its shape better. The bun on t… leer más

The bag felt lighter than I remembered. But it had been a long time since I'd eaten the sandwich. The first time I tried the sandwich, it was stacked. The chicken was thick, the bun was thick, and even the pickles looked like they'd been plucked from an ad. At first glance, the new sandwich looked different. The bun was lighter and smaller than I remembered, and it all just looked smaller.The old sandwich had dappled waves of batter on a piece of chicken thicker than my wrist is wide. The bun was perky and smooth, while thick slices of pickle peeked out from under the chicken. But the new one looked more like your typical fast-food chicken sandwich: beige, beige, and a hint of something else. The first time I tried the sandwich, I was impressed by the perfect balance of its plentiful ingredients. And don't get me wrong, the new sandwich was far from bad. The chicken was as flaky and juicy as ever. The original bun was a darker shade of brown, and it held its shape better. The bun on the new sandwich was definitely lighter, flatter, and smaller, though it still tasted excellent: sweet potato brioche with great structural integrity. The original sandwich had three large slabs of pickles: bright green, thick, and crunchy. The new sandwich had just two measly pickle slices that were less green, less thick, and less crunchy than its predecessors. On the old sandwich, the battered chicken outsized its bun, and there was plenty of mayo to glue it all together. On the new sandwich, the chicken was noticeably smaller. The batter was just fine, though I would no longer describe it as "dappled." There also seemed to be less mayo. I was not able to take it anymore, this new Popeye's chicken sandwich was a sham. As I was quickly overcome with rage, I grabbed the nearest patron in my local Maryland Popeye's and stabbed him in the upper chest. I then fled the scene and am currently on the run from the police. I am posting this so you don't make the same mistake I did and ruin your life. leer menos


Jan. 8, 2024

La vida de un crítico es sencilla en muchos aspectos, arriesgamos poco, y tenemos poder sobre aquellos que ofrecen su trabajo y su servicio a nuestro juicio, prosperamos con las críticas negativas, divertidas de escribir y de leer; pero la triste verdad que debemos afrontar, es que en el gran orden de las cosas, cualquier basura, tiene más significado que lo que deja ver nuestra crítica. Pero en ocasiones el crítico sí se arriesga cada vez que descubre y defiende algo nuevo. No se paso la clase muchachos, pase todas las otras con A luchadas. Este hijuelagranputa no tiene tres carajos de educador, pero si de sadico y cara de Hitler sudamericano. La clase no te prepara para los examenes, y las tareas tampoco, que tampoco se relacionan a la clase. Uno solo aprende a gastar 20 dolares x repetir y si acaso por baja parcial. Este individuo lo que necesita es un Sexflesh Moby 3 Foot Tall Super Dildo que lo calme. I'm not angry I just don't like being to. Connection terminated. I'm sor… leer más

La vida de un crítico es sencilla en muchos aspectos, arriesgamos poco, y tenemos poder sobre aquellos que ofrecen su trabajo y su servicio a nuestro juicio, prosperamos con las críticas negativas, divertidas de escribir y de leer; pero la triste verdad que debemos afrontar, es que en el gran orden de las cosas, cualquier basura, tiene más significado que lo que deja ver nuestra crítica. Pero en ocasiones el crítico sí se arriesga cada vez que descubre y defiende algo nuevo. No se paso la clase muchachos, pase todas las otras con A luchadas. Este hijuelagranputa no tiene tres carajos de educador, pero si de sadico y cara de Hitler sudamericano. La clase no te prepara para los examenes, y las tareas tampoco, que tampoco se relacionan a la clase. Uno solo aprende a gastar 20 dolares x repetir y si acaso por baja parcial. Este individuo lo que necesita es un Sexflesh Moby 3 Foot Tall Super Dildo que lo calme. I'm not angry I just don't like being to. Connection terminated. I'm sorry to interrupt you, Elizabeth, if you still even remember that name, But I'm afraid you've been misinformed. You are not here to receive a gift, nor have you been called here by the individual you assume, although, you have indeed been called. You have all been called here, into a labyrinth of sounds and smells, misdirection and misfortune. A labyrinth with no exit, a maze with no prize. You don't even realize that you are trapped. Your lust for blood has driven you in endless circles, chasing the cries of children in some unseen chamber, always seeming so near, yet somehow out of reach, but you will never find them. None of you will. This is where your story ends. And to you, my brave volunteer, who somehow found this job listing not intended for you, although there was a way out planned for you, I have a feeling that's not what you want. I have a feeling that you are right where you want to be. I am remaining as well. I am nearby. This place will not be remembered, and the memory of everything that started this can finally begin to fade away. As the agony of every tragedy should. And to you monsters trapped in the corridors, be still and give up your spirits. They don't belong to you. For most of you, I believe there is peace and perhaps more waiting for you after the smoke clears. Although, for one of you, the darkest pit of Hell has opened to swallow you whole, so don't keep the devil waiting, old friend. My daughter, if you can hear me, I knew you would return as well. It's in your nature to protect the innocent. I'm sorry that on that day, the day you were shut out and left to die, no one was there to lift you up into their arms the way you lifted others into yours, and then, what became of you. I should have known you wouldn't be content to disappear, not my daughter. I couldn't save you then, so let me save you now. It's time to rest - for you, and for those you have carried in your arms. This ends for all of us. End communication. leer menos


Jan. 2, 2024

Este cb es lo peor, no es pro estudiante, no da bono y los examenes son una metia por culo bien dura. Cuando cogi la clase con el, casi la mitad de los estudiantes no paso. Si coges Fisica con el, de que vas a sufrir vas a sufrir y bien cabron.


Dec. 14, 2023

De las mejores opciones para Fisica 1, tiene 10% de curva y las tareas son 20% de la nota. Nunca le saque una A en un examen y gracias a la curva y los loncapas la pase con A. Eso si, tienes que tener paciencia, le doy B a su personalidad. Es medio raro pero se tira chistesitos de vez en cuando. En responsabilidad F, se tarda cc corrigiendo. Overall, aprendi bastante y fue una easy A.


Dec. 9, 2023

Tremendo hijo de la gran puta


May 10, 2023

Si lo que quieres es estudiar por tu cuenta para colgarte, sin duda es la mejor opción que puedes tomar.


May 10, 2023

Si lo que quieres es estudiar por tu cuenta para colgarte, sin duda es la mejor opción que puedes tomar.


April 17, 2023

Este cabrón me la explota, NO ES PRO ESTUDIANTE, SE PUEDE MORIR TU FAMILIA ENTERA Y NO TE EXCUSA NI TE EXTIENDE NADA. No esperes curva, no esperes puntos de bono, no esperes extensiones de loncapa ni reposición de exámenes, ah y tiene que haber una guerra mundial para que este cabron cambie un examen. El tipo es completamente indiferente a lo que esté pasando con el mundo exterior. Antes de comenzar cada clase nos pregunta si tenemos dudas, entonces cuando preguntas te mira y responde como si fueras bruto. Exámenes puñeteros. En fin, Eduardo, cágate en tu puta madre.


Aug. 7, 2019

La peor decisión de mi vida. Este tipo no sabe enseñar un carajo, lo que da en clase prácticamente ni te sirve para los exámenes. Cogi fisica 1 con el, por más que buscaba exámenes viejos y me los embotellaba siempre hay un ejercicio nuevo que no está en los exámenes viejos y aunque vomites literalmente la formula y el resultado si no le pones de donde sacaste la formula te quita puntos. Se te rie en la cara cuando los estudiantes se cuelgan, los cappas los consigues fácil en chegg, es lo único que salva y lo que te ayuda aprender un poco, al coger el lab de física a la vez me ayudó mucho pq en el lab aprendí mucho más, sin embargo pasé la clase con D.

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