


14 Comentarios
26 Evaluaciones







May 16, 2024

Mid en verdad. Cogí INGL3250 con ella y fue buena, pero sentí que tenía un superiority complex or something. Dio quizzes de 20pts sobre los capítulos del libro, 2 presentaciones (una fue grupal), un commercial video y una presentación final. Quita pts por cualquier estupidez en las presentaciones y se pasa dando B, como si su meta fuera que no saques A. Also, nos separó en grupos y cada grupo tuvo un capítulo que tuvo que estudiar y presentar en clase. Completamente estúpido porque se sintió que estábamos dando la clase por ella y la cabrona no dio nota ni pts de bono para eso. En verdad ella es kind of annoying y no entiende que su clase es solo relleno, pero está buena para salir con at least a C.


April 17, 2024

A psychiatric case indeed...


April 17, 2024

Very good professor, she’s strict, but pro-student and makes her class really interesting.


Nov. 16, 2021

She may need a good shrink. Too high strung.


Dec. 9, 2019

Run while you still can


Dec. 5, 2019

She has helped me overcome most of my fear of speaking in front of large groups. Only assignments in the class are 3 speeches that last less than 2 minutes each. Very pro-student has almost no office hours but accepts appointments at any time. LOS TRES HUELEBICHOS QUE ESCRIBIERON ABAJO SE PUEDEN RASCAR PAL CARAJO, BETSY ES DE LAS MEJORES PROFESORAS DE INGLES. NO HAY MEJOR CLASE QUE LA DE ELLA, ERES UN MORÓN Y BRUTO SINO SACASTES A EN SU CLASE. FELIZ NAVIDAD.


Nov. 14, 2019

Fuck this class


Oct. 31, 2019



Oct. 30, 2019

NOPE. She gives a shit ton of quizzes. She's incredibly strict when it comes to grading her students. Would not recommend at all.


May 26, 2018

I'm currently taking class with her and it's pretty good. Class is dynamic and fun. Only problem with it is that there are people who are bad at public speaking and, in my opinion, constant practice is key. We didn't have that. We had 5 presentations, all for points, 3 of which were recorded. Grading wasn't the problem because she considered it. The problem is those people still leave that class with "stage fright" and reading about overcoming it and actually overcoming it is VERY different.


May 18, 2018

She is great. I'm taking public speaking with her and I don't have anything bad to say. Her class is very dynamic and she brings her dog. BTW Be careful doing the speeches, she is very strict, overall great class.


Dec. 1, 2016

She is honestly the best English professor I have ever had. Public Speaking with her was amazing. Honestly I hated the quizes, but I studied the day before and did so well! She is funny, she is nice and very dynamic. She brings her dog to class sometimes and it's the sweetest thing! God bless the woman, she makes me want to wake up early and all. She is strict evaluating your presentations, but if you practice you will do very well.


Nov. 4, 2016

Esta profesora es un regalo de Dios. Ella hace que quiera ir a la clase a las 7:30am. Promueve un buen ambiente en el salon de clase y se ve que le importa mucho lo que esta haciendo. Y lo mejor de todo es que aveces lleva a su perro a la clase. Si tienes que coger Public Speaking, colega con ella. No es tan fácil pero vale la pena


May 19, 2010

Best English professor ever, she is pro-students and helps students to understand the material and really knows what shes talking about

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