


20 Comentarios
64 Evaluaciones







Aug. 14, 2021

Beware que está en las listas de confidencias y alegaciones de abuso y/o conductas inapropiadas como acoso sexual. Lo encuengran en IG yotecreo.8


Dec. 18, 2019

Stay away!


Nov. 22, 2019

People here talking trash about him, fuck you. HE is the best out there for a prepa. Trust me he gives you so much chances to repair your work. A+ for him.


May 11, 2019



May 9, 2019

Su clase parece de humanidades pero la vas a pasar bien. Da bastante trabajo y es SUPER EXIGENTE, PERO te da todo el semestre para corregirlo, so, se le puede sacar A.


May 18, 2018

Profesor favorito. Super buena gente y pro estudiante. He aprendido cc


May 18, 2018

He has an awesome personality, takes his time to listen to students, gives sencond chances to hand in works and review them and is really the best out there.


May 18, 2018

He is the best!!!!


Feb. 19, 2018

Parece que sale de un huracan antes de llegar a dar la clase, es afuego pero estricto en los ensayos. los devuelve para que lo arregles si estan mal. Super fun y facil.


Feb. 14, 2018

Le recomiendo la clase a cualquiera que quiera pasar una buena hora y sacar minimo B. Una clase super facil, divertida, entretenida, tremendo profesor, enseña, relaja, te ayuda en lo que necesites, te devuelve tus ensayos y te da la oportunidad de mejorarlos para que saques una mejor nota.


Feb. 12, 2018

falte un monton a su clase y comoquiera saque A haz los ensayos, ensenaselo si quieres y sacaras buena nota


July 5, 2017

It was a good class. Not my favorite but good enough. Es pro estudiante y te da la oportunidad de mejorar los ensayos.


July 5, 2017

Great Professor. His class are supper fun and really interesting. Yes is true that he come to class always sweaty but maybe that's because his part of a secrete organization that's trying to overthrow the illuminati organization. That's are behind everything. Ops I said to much. But seriously easy and fun class.


May 28, 2017

Excelente Instructor, pro estudiante.


March 6, 2017

Duro como profesor, lo recomiendo al maximo. Le encanta los temas controversiales por lo cual lleva a que hables mucho. Pro-estudiante y si participas, la clase pasa rapido.


Dec. 15, 2016

Amazing instructor, I recommend taking classes with him. YOU LEARN A LOT AND ENJOY CLASS WITH HIM FROM THE BEGGINING TILL THE END. You never get bored in his class.


Dec. 15, 2016

Great professor loved his class. Always respectful about your opinion and is open for new ideas. Does his best to interact in a entertaining way with his students and never gives up on you. Passed with 97% (A) its easy, just very few essays and some presentations. Strict in his instructions but will show you the easy and fun way to complete the assignment. Easy A or B. I hope he can reach his goals as a professional; he deserves it.


Dec. 9, 2016

Tremendo instructor. Es super afuego, brega al 100 con todos. Los temas que toca son bien interesantes. Me encantó

Pepe Lopez

Oct. 12, 2016

Tremendo instructor de ingles intermedio 2. El muchacho es pro-estudiante, entiende Diferente puntos de vista, le gustan las reflexiones en grupos y siempre está dispuesto a ayudarte. En fin, tremenda persona y profesor. Ojalá tenga mucho éxito en su vida profesional.


May 15, 2016

Badass Intermediate English II instructor. Always shows up sweaty to class. Probably because he constantly has to run away from CIA agents. Although he doesn't always follow through with the course syllabus, having to escape academic persecution and all, it is to your advantage (less work). You'll learn a-fucking-lot if you take this course. An easy A or B.

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