


8 Comentarios
11 Evaluaciones






Sr.Verga Larga

June 14, 2022

Yo lo odio pero no lo culpo, yo también odiaría la vida si hubiese vivido en la Unión Soviética. Side note: pongan sus vídeos en 3.5x porque habla lento cc


May 15, 2022

Canto de cabron vete pal carajo pa Ucrania. Este hombre da 4 examenes de 5 ejercicios cada uno donde sacas 20 o un 0 mas grande que el roto de tu ano cuando este hombre termine contigo. Eso sin contar que corrige algarete. Hable con ñao y me explico todos los temas de esta clase mejor que este huelebicho. No se le entiende un carajo y sus examenes son puñeteros y no viene nada de lo que dio en clase. Cada vez que vea un jodio pavo me voy a recordar de esta bestia sovietica. No le deseo el mal a nadie pero este tipo es una excepcion, espero que lentamente pierda toda habilidad motora y cada vez tenga la misma funcionalidad que el bloque que uso pa que el carro no se me valla por la cuesta.


Nov. 20, 2021

Honestamente que no se puede decir de este profesor. Con todo y respeto, este hombre no tiene destreza alguna de enseñanza. No se le entiende una palabra al hablar y por encima de eso habla con un tono de voz bajo. No entiendo como esta persona da "clases" en el colegio cuando no puede enseñar. Lo peor de todo es que el pretende que pasemos su curso cuando no explica para el estudiantado, no utiliza el libro, no da ejemplos, no hay participación, sus examenes no son para nada similares a los ejercicios del libro y no sabe hablar el ingles correctamente. Incluso hubo un día que nos dijo que "debemos respetar la nación americana, por lo tanto debemos hablar ingles". El hombre no sabe ni hablar ingles. Ironías de la vida. Me da mucha lastima que este caballero de clases en el colegio cuando lo que hace es hacerle la vida imposible al estudiante, criticar y no enseñar absolutamente NADA!


Oct. 29, 2021

I dont even know where to begin. Took differential equations with him. Dropped out the morning of the 2nd exam. Exams: He gives NO partial points. I walked out of the first exam like "okay that wasnt so bad. Maybe 70-80, bc i didnt finish a 20pt question, but thats alright." But no. I got a 41% bc no partial points for work! I was like wtf all that work & studying i did for nothing!! Then i found out I was pregnant and dr told me not to have stress so I dropped this class immediately LOL. His exams are the same from previous years with diff #s. So get a hold on them and the work to answer them and ONLY stay the fuck out of that. The Class: i learned more about Russia in his class than math. 1st class was literally his whole life story. He sends weblinks about his lectures and usually they have nothing to do with helping us actually LEARN the math. Then he made this comment- and i quote "Puerto Rico is part of America where English is spoken. If you dont want to learn English… leer más

I dont even know where to begin. Took differential equations with him. Dropped out the morning of the 2nd exam. Exams: He gives NO partial points. I walked out of the first exam like "okay that wasnt so bad. Maybe 70-80, bc i didnt finish a 20pt question, but thats alright." But no. I got a 41% bc no partial points for work! I was like wtf all that work & studying i did for nothing!! Then i found out I was pregnant and dr told me not to have stress so I dropped this class immediately LOL. His exams are the same from previous years with diff #s. So get a hold on them and the work to answer them and ONLY stay the fuck out of that. The Class: i learned more about Russia in his class than math. 1st class was literally his whole life story. He sends weblinks about his lectures and usually they have nothing to do with helping us actually LEARN the math. Then he made this comment- and i quote "Puerto Rico is part of America where English is spoken. If you dont want to learn English, move to Spain." I WAS SHOOK. I am not puerto rican (Mexican American from TX) and my spanish still sucks but I WOULD NEVER EVER SAY THAT! 1. America has no official language dumbass. 2. Boricuas are majorily BILLINGUAL but Spanish is 1st before English. He should think he is LUCKY they know English! If he doesnt want to learn Spanish, move back to Russia!!! [Oh obviously, the class is in English-- i thought this would be a plus for my half-gringa, English speaking ass but haha SIKE. NOPEEEEE. I also speak some basic Russian which surprised & pleased him, but he still didn't help when I asked him questions. This class will be 1million times worse if you dont speak STRONG English able to decipher thick foreign accents.] My goodness... I couldnt believe this professor exists. Literally the WORST professor I have EVER had and thats saying alot bc I have had some other terrible ones back in TX. Lets pray for my 2nd round of DE now that I know not to take this professor. leer menos

Tratandode Subirel Gepeá

May 16, 2021

Envia videos grabados hace 3 años, no se le entiende un soberano b1cho, no sigue el prontuario enseña lo que le salga de los cojones viejo rusos. No vas aprender NADA con el almenos que estudies por tu cuenta y aun asi no te garantiza buena nota por que sus eejercicios son dificiles cc. La unica manera que sales bien es si consigues los milagrosos examenes viejos.


Dec. 11, 2020

(This review is in English because Differential Equations was given in English) Since this asshole doesn't deserve to be called by his name, from now on this jackass will be referred as either "fuck face" or "dickhead" for the rest of the review. Let's start off with the positive (yes there is only one), he doesn't give homework because he is too lazy to grade it, that is all for the positives. Now for the negatives, where do i begin, this dickhead is bar none the worst professor I've has in any of my classes, either being INEL, ICOM, MATE .. ETC. This fuck face is so bad at his job that what a random youtuber can explain in 12 minutes, he can't explain in 90 minutes. His accent is so thick and he speaks with such lack of enthusiasm that he is barely comprehensible at the best of times. He bombards you with the technical definitions of things and and can go weeks in his classes without showing a single example. There are like 25-28 topics in the course syllabus for his class (MATE 400… leer más

(This review is in English because Differential Equations was given in English) Since this asshole doesn't deserve to be called by his name, from now on this jackass will be referred as either "fuck face" or "dickhead" for the rest of the review. Let's start off with the positive (yes there is only one), he doesn't give homework because he is too lazy to grade it, that is all for the positives. Now for the negatives, where do i begin, this dickhead is bar none the worst professor I've has in any of my classes, either being INEL, ICOM, MATE .. ETC. This fuck face is so bad at his job that what a random youtuber can explain in 12 minutes, he can't explain in 90 minutes. His accent is so thick and he speaks with such lack of enthusiasm that he is barely comprehensible at the best of times. He bombards you with the technical definitions of things and and can go weeks in his classes without showing a single example. There are like 25-28 topics in the course syllabus for his class (MATE 4009), only 3 of them where about applications for differential equations, however out of the 13 problems given in the partial exams 12-13 of those problems were about applications. This fuck face completely ignored solving differential equations to instead give the hardest problems in the exam as a big fuck you to everyone in his class. His classes are recorded, not live so you have to get in touch with him via email or skype of all things. In spite of this, all interactions I've had with this dick head have ended in him telling me in a lot of words to go fuck myself and to read the book. In fact, i sent him an email the day of the final exam because the had gone completely silent for like almost 2 weeks and I just kindly asked him what is going to happen with the exam, he answered 5 hours later (after the exam started) 10 minutes after he sent the exam ( which he sent 3 minutes late) and he responded to my email asking about the exam saying "I sent that ten minutes ago". HEY FUCK FACE, LOOK AT THE MOTHER FUCKING TIMESTAMP AND THEN MAKE YOUR COMMENT YOU GODDAM IMBECILE. Every single interaction was like this, I asked him once if he could tell us what section from the book was he lecturing that day and predictably he told me to go fuck myself. It was too much too much to ask to add 2 words in an email, are you fucking kidding me? Oh, I forgot to mention, his exams consist of 4-5 questions and each question is between 20-25 % of the total grade of that exam, he makes you figure out parts of the procedure to reach the final answer that makes no sense (and often irrelevant to reach the final answer) and is essentially adding more problems to each problems. Like in the third exam he told us to find a parameter v in the function. It literally had nothing to do with the final answer (this was supposed to be procedure) and by the time we can get to that answer the final answer is already achieved. In addition to this if you get part of the procedure wrong he marks it as plagiarism and gives 0 on the whole problem (even if you get the correct answer) The only saving grace is that this fuck face is so lazy that he hasn't changed the exam since 2007 and the answer are on chegg. Al so, his exams are so poorly made that nothing but office 365 on the desktop can open them correctly, not google docs, no libre office, not even office 365 online can open them properly, and then he has the balls to tell you that it's your fault that the exam got corrupted. Hey dickhead use pdf, they don't get corrupted like that.This guy is the only professor that I've had in 3 years that I even struggle to find something, anything good to say about him. He is an asshole and i hope he dies in a ditch. leer menos


Sept. 25, 2020

¿Por dónde empezamos? Bueno, en primer lugar, no sabe cómo enseñar correctamente (lo admite, pero lo veremos más adelante). La mayoría de las veces se le puede ver quejándose de Puerto Rico o dando una explicación muy pobre del tema. Ahora, hablemos del elefante en la habitación. Antes de empezar tenemos que saber que él había hecho un acuerdo con los estudiantes. Los estudiantes tenían que entregar el examen, al email que el profesor iba a enviar el 22 de abril (a las 9 de la mañana). El día del examen viene y él envía el correo a LAS 5 DE LA MAÑANA. Por supuesto, nadie lo contesto. Luego que el vio que nadie lo contesto el escribe otro correo. El 22 de abril de 2020, este profesor envió un correo electrónico a sus estudiantes. El correo electrónico comenzó con Alexander diciéndole a sus estudiantes que algunos había ignoraron sus instrucciones. Luego, les informo que aquellos que no siguieron las instrucciones obtendrían CERO en las pruebas y que aquellos que presentaron su… leer más

¿Por dónde empezamos? Bueno, en primer lugar, no sabe cómo enseñar correctamente (lo admite, pero lo veremos más adelante). La mayoría de las veces se le puede ver quejándose de Puerto Rico o dando una explicación muy pobre del tema. Ahora, hablemos del elefante en la habitación. Antes de empezar tenemos que saber que él había hecho un acuerdo con los estudiantes. Los estudiantes tenían que entregar el examen, al email que el profesor iba a enviar el 22 de abril (a las 9 de la mañana). El día del examen viene y él envía el correo a LAS 5 DE LA MAÑANA. Por supuesto, nadie lo contesto. Luego que el vio que nadie lo contesto el escribe otro correo. El 22 de abril de 2020, este profesor envió un correo electrónico a sus estudiantes. El correo electrónico comenzó con Alexander diciéndole a sus estudiantes que algunos había ignoraron sus instrucciones. Luego, les informo que aquellos que no siguieron las instrucciones obtendrían CERO en las pruebas y que aquellos que presentaron su trabajo (a tiempo) pero no enviaron el trabajo en un archivo específico también obtendrían CERO. Termina el email, insultando a sus alumnos, diciendo que estos alumnos que no dieron su trabajo son el tipo de personas que no son “hard-working” y luego comienza a llamarlos “lazy”, “losers” y que estas personas “will become losers, persons of low income and of terrible life problems that cannot be resolved” (Trad: se convertirán en perdedores, en personas con bajo ingresos y de terribles problemas de vida que no se pueden resolver) Esto me lleva a mi segundo punto: es hipócrita. Insulta por no ser "hardworking" y que sus estudiantes toman "el camino fácil", sin embargo, cuando vas a su hora de oficina e intentas aclarar un tema (UNO QUE NO SUPO EXPLICAR EN CLASES) simplemente te dice "ve videos de YouTube, explican mejor que yo”. ASÍ QUE ESTO ES LO QUE “HARDWORKING” ES ALEXANDER ???? ¿NO TRABAJAR DURO PARA DAR UNA CLASE BUENA Y RESPETABLE ???, ¿NO RESPONDER A SUS ESTUDIANTES CUANDO NECESITAN ENTENDER UN TEMA ??? ¿PERDER NO SÓLO TU TIEMPO, SINO NUESTRO TIEMPO AL SER TAN ARROGANTE E HIPOCRÍTICO? POR ESO NADIE SE MATRICULO CONTIGO. Anyways, no tomen clase con él al menos que quieras una baja y gastar tu dinero. Matricúlate con cualquier otra persona. leer menos


Sept. 11, 2020

El peor profesor que he tenido en mis 4 años de universidad. Le gusta hacer los trabajos mil veces más complicados de lo que son, literalmente disfruta colgar a los estudiantes por estupideces te da 0 en el examen. Ej. Nadie le respondió que recibieron el examen, todos tienen 0. No sé cómo sigue dando clase pues evidencia hay demás hasta ha llamado por email a los estudiantes perdedores, pobres, y que no van q lograr nada en su vida solo porque no pudieron seguir sus instrucciones complicadas de cómo contestar el examen y enviarlo. Si es tu única opción mejor ni cojas la clase porque igual se cuelga todo el mundo

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